Wednesday, October 15, 2003
The Rough Guide to Sitting Pretty 2
Act 1
In economy class of MH785.
Enter the actors:
The ultimate kiasu
These are the front cabin aisle passengers.
Priority to toilets.
Able to easily flag down a stewardess compared to "window" people.
First out of the plane to rush to the Immigration hall.
First to unbuckle their safety belts!
Willing to take the risk of ending up with a screaming baby next to you.
Left with the unwanted foreign newspapers as you are the last to enter the craft.
Left without choice in your airline meals, if meals are served from the back!
(Note: "kiasu" is a chinese term to describe a person who "do not like to lose")
The one that got "left behind"
These passengers take the seats at the back cabin.
Have passengers waiting for the loo hovering over your seat
Experience fresh smells of the pong from the loo.
Likely to experience the brunt during turbulence (in smaller crafts).
Squashed-in-the-middle casualty
These did not know what hit them until they board the plane.
Always the type that sleeps on the plane and have their heads linches from your shoulders
But, normally wins the both arm-rest tussle. If not, this is the ultimate loser!
Once I am buckled, you realise that the strangers around you aren't all that strange.
Confession 2: I belong to the kiasu kind.
Survival of the kiasu in Economy Class
Photo: Sequence of landing at Bangkok International Airport
(L-R: Landing, landing, landed.....brake!)
Aircraft : Boeing 777
Avoid row 20 - no window at seat 20A and 20K. Best seats 12A/C and 12J/K (bulkhead seats). Best seats in economy are 29 A/C (exit row seats). You are near galley, but enormous legroom makes it worthwhile.
All aisle seats C, D, H and J.
Aircraft : Boeing 747-400
Seats : AC and HK - rows 60 and 61. It's the exit seat near the galley but there's no toilet. All aisle seats C, D, H and J.
Aircraft : Boeing 737-400
Best seat: 5C and 5D. If you done mind not having reclining chairs, rows 11 and 12
All aisle seats C and D...except the last rows 24 to 27 which are near the toilets.
Aircraft : A330-300
All aisle seats C, D, G and H...except the rows 11, 27, 28, 43 and 44 which are near the toilets.
Act 1
In economy class of MH785.
Enter the actors:
The ultimate kiasu
These are the front cabin aisle passengers.
Priority to toilets.
Able to easily flag down a stewardess compared to "window" people.
First out of the plane to rush to the Immigration hall.
First to unbuckle their safety belts!
Willing to take the risk of ending up with a screaming baby next to you.
Left with the unwanted foreign newspapers as you are the last to enter the craft.
Left without choice in your airline meals, if meals are served from the back!
(Note: "kiasu" is a chinese term to describe a person who "do not like to lose")
The one that got "left behind"
These passengers take the seats at the back cabin.
Have passengers waiting for the loo hovering over your seat
Experience fresh smells of the pong from the loo.
Likely to experience the brunt during turbulence (in smaller crafts).
Squashed-in-the-middle casualty
These did not know what hit them until they board the plane.
Always the type that sleeps on the plane and have their heads linches from your shoulders
But, normally wins the both arm-rest tussle. If not, this is the ultimate loser!
Once I am buckled, you realise that the strangers around you aren't all that strange.
Confession 2: I belong to the kiasu kind.
Survival of the kiasu in Economy Class

Photo: Sequence of landing at Bangkok International Airport
(L-R: Landing, landing, landed.....brake!)
Aircraft : Boeing 777
Avoid row 20 - no window at seat 20A and 20K. Best seats 12A/C and 12J/K (bulkhead seats). Best seats in economy are 29 A/C (exit row seats). You are near galley, but enormous legroom makes it worthwhile.
All aisle seats C, D, H and J.
Aircraft : Boeing 747-400
Seats : AC and HK - rows 60 and 61. It's the exit seat near the galley but there's no toilet. All aisle seats C, D, H and J.
Aircraft : Boeing 737-400
Best seat: 5C and 5D. If you done mind not having reclining chairs, rows 11 and 12
All aisle seats C and D...except the last rows 24 to 27 which are near the toilets.
Aircraft : A330-300
All aisle seats C, D, G and H...except the rows 11, 27, 28, 43 and 44 which are near the toilets.